I want to know if I can check if a managed property has children properties using fieldmanager and reflection. I use CSLA 3.8
In Project Tracker Sample I add a childBO called ChildInfo (typeof businessBase)
<Serializable()> _
Public Class Project
Inherits BusinessBase(Of Project)
Here are existing props (ID,Name,Started,...)
Private Shared ResourcesProperty As PropertyInfo(Of ProjectResources) = RegisterProperty(New PropertyInfo(Of ProjectResources)("Resources"))
Public ReadOnly Property Resources() As ProjectResources
If Not FieldManager.FieldExists(ResourcesProperty) Then
LoadProperty(Of ProjectResources)(ResourcesProperty, ProjectResources.NewProjectResources())
End If
Return GetProperty(Of ProjectResources)(ResourcesProperty)
End Get
End Property
Private Shared ChildInfoProperty As PropertyInfo(Of ChildBO) = RegisterProperty(New PropertyInfo(Of ChildBo)("Info Aditional"))
Public ReadOnly Property ChildInfo() As ChildBO
If Not FieldManager.FieldExists(ChildInfoProperty) Then
LoadProperty(Of ChildBO)(ChildInfoProperty, ChildBO.NewChildBO)
End If
Return GetProperty(Of ChildBO)(ChildInfoProperty)
End Get
End Property
End Class
My question is: How to check If prop has children?
Private Sub MonitorProps()
For Each prop As IPropertyInfo In FieldManager.GetRegisteredProperties
Here I want to check If prop has children so it should
return true if prop is ChildInfo or Resources
and return false if prop is ID Started Ended Description
End Sub
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