CSLA .NET MVVM Silverlight

CSLA .NET MVVM Silverlight

Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/10246.aspx

Ziad posted on Thursday, April 07, 2011


I'm facing a problem with CSLA .NET MVVM. Any help is appreciated.

My Model is as the following:

Forecast : BusinessBase<Forecast>   

Forecasts : DynamicListBase<Forecast>

Sales : BusinessBase<Sales>

SalesList : DynamicListBase<Sales> 

My ViewModel is as the following:

ForecastsVM : ViewModel<Forecasts>

ForecastVM : ViewModel<Forecast>

SalesListVM : ViewModel<SalesList>

SalesVM : ViewModel<Sales>

I have an additional file in the ViewModel which contains the following:

public class Elements


           private SalesVM;

           private ForecastsVM;



and then in SalesListVM, I have the following method:

public ObservableCollection<Elements> Elems




             ObservableCollection<Elements> elems = new ObservableCollection<Elements>();

            foreach(Sales item in Model) elems.Add(new Elements (new SalesVM(item)));

            return elems;



I'm binding this collection to a GridView in the xaml file, but the problem is that when the user modifies a SalesVM element in this Grid, it doesn't call the DataPortal_Update method that is found in Sales ....Why?




RockfordLhotka replied on Thursday, April 07, 2011

Is this Silverlight or WPF?

The WPF datagrid control is broken, and doesn't perform the correct data binding behaviors like other datagrid controls. Because DynamicListBase is designed to react to standard data binding behaviors, this means it doesn't work with the Microsoft datagrid control in WPF...

Ziad replied on Thursday, April 07, 2011

Its Silverlight ! but its really wierd because in SalesVM the constructor is as the following

public SalesVM (Sales s)


      Model = s;




RockfordLhotka replied on Thursday, April 07, 2011

Does the datagrid bind to the DLB, or to a list of viewmodel objects?

The DLB will only act properly if it is the direct target of the binding. In other words, the datagrid must bind directly to the DynamicListBase object, or the list won't get the data binding events it uses to trigger its behaviors.

Ziad replied on Thursday, April 07, 2011

Thanks for your reply!

Now, I understand much better the DynamicListBase !

RockfordLhotka replied on Thursday, April 07, 2011

The Using CSLA 4: Creating Business Objects and Using CSLA 4: Data Access ebooks have extensive information on DLB (http://store.lhotka.net).

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