first of all:
I'm testing CSLA.NET to evaluate whether this could get our standard way to implement business objects. I already read most of the book "Expert C# 2008 Business Objects", but unfortunately there's not much information about the DynamicBindingListBase class.
I implemented the stereotypes as descripted in the book or the current "Templates" (DynamicRootBindingList and DynamicRoot), but it doesn't work as expected.
As far as I understood the main purpose of the DynamicBindingListBase is to use it with DataGrid binding to automatically trigger persistence after each single item was edited instead of waiting on a manual "Save" call.
The problem is that this doesn't happen in my case. Actually I would have thought that the DynamicBindingListBase should trigger save which actually should result in calls to DataPortal_Insert/Update/Delete as soon as the user moves to the next row or "commits" it changes.
Best regards,
I found the problem by myself. I made a mistake concerning the parameters of the DataPortal_Update/Insert/Delete methods. I changed the base class from BusinessBindingListBase to DynamicBindingListBase, but then forgot to remove the parameters from the DataPortal_XYZ functions.
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