Using Csla 4: whatever happened to "switchable objects”?

Using Csla 4: whatever happened to "switchable objects”?

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tiago posted on Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Hi Rocky,

Browsing the Object ebook I noticed there is no mention to Editable Switchable.

I guess this stereotype is supported by CSLA.NET 4. Why didn't you include it?

bniemyjski replied on Wednesday, April 20, 2011


That is a good question, I also did not see it in the list (I'm using an older version of the objects book). I know it is supported in 4.x, maybe it was forgotten??



RockfordLhotka replied on Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The concept is supported, yes.

I consider it an advanced scenario that should be generally avoided - I think I've been consistent about that for years :)

Rather than put it out there as a first-class stereotype, and therefore make people think they should use it, I chose to leave it out - thus hopefully encouraging more thought around better object designs.

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