I have an app that is modeled after the one in the Silverlight MVVM video (SIDEMO). The difference is I have an initial user control loaded into the MainContent region. When I load the page in the Designer (Cider) I receive an exception: "InvalidCrossThreadAccess". I believe it is trying to create an instance of my viewmodel to display in the desinger. Is there a way to tell the desinger not to render the contents or could I move my call to load the MainContent to another location?
Normally you'd include code in the viewmodel to not load the model when in design mode using code like:
if (!System.ComponentModel.DesignerProperties.GetIsInDesignMode(this))
If your viewmodel is a subclass of the Csla.Xaml ViewModelBase<T> class this will work because that is a subclass of DependencyObject. Otherwise you'll have to get a DO reference for this to work.
That worked! Thanks! (I wish all problems were that easy to solve....)
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