Transaction Options Supported by Data Portal?

Transaction Options Supported by Data Portal?

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brembot posted on Saturday, August 26, 2006

Sorry for the newbie question. Can anyone knows how to compare the performance of these three Transactional Attributes  (TransactionalTypes.ManualTransactionalTypes.EnterpriseServices, TransactionalTypes.TransactionScope)? What is the ideal or best Transaction Attributes to implement?


Bonio replied on Saturday, August 26, 2006

If you are just using an SQL2005 database  then I would definitely recommend the TransactionScope - this will save you a lot of hassle and will stop the need to have DTC on your server. You need to pass the SQLConnection object between your update/insert procedures to keep them within the TransactionScope and to prevent an escalation to DTC.

My two penneth anyway :-),


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