When my new object is created (IsNew == true), the object starts up with several broken rules. So I thought I would be nice to create a unit test that creates a new object and makes sure that the appropriate initial broken rules are present.
This is all good but my problem is that I am not sure how to accomplish this in a strongly typed manner since there is not “compiler connection” between the BrokenRule and a BusinessRule classes.
In an ideal word, I would like the BrokenRule class to have two extra properties:
1) BusinessRule: This value is basically the type of the BusinessRule that is the originator of the broken rule (A class that inherits from BusinessRule).
2) Property: This value is the PropertyInfo associate to the broken rule. This is basically the same as the BrokenRule.Property value but instead of it being a string, I would like it tot be of type of PropertyInfo.
With these two new properties on the BrokenRule class, I can now test to make sure that the BrokenRule is the correct BrokenRule I am looking for, and do it on a strongly typed way like:
If(myBrokenRule.BusinessRule = typeof(MaxLength) & myBrokenRule.Property == SomeClass.ComeProperty)
// This rules is the rule I am looking for, and I
// found this in a strongly typed way.
Am I just approaching this all wrong and asking a dumb question as usual? Is anyone else out doing unit test on broken rules? And if so, how are you handling this?
Thank you.
mmm… never mind. I think I found a way:
var x = new Csla.Rules.CommonRules.Required(SomeClass.SomeProperty);
var y = someObject.BrokenRulesCollection[0];
Assert.IsTrue(x.RuleName == y.RuleName);
This will require to have the BusinessRule set as public but I guess that not big deal. I also realize that the BrokenRulesCollection is not guarantied to be on a given order, the code above that uses the indexer [0] to get the first rule expecting it represents the rule I am looking for is just an sample code.
I frequently use a LINQ query on the broken rules collection to pull out the specific item(s) I'm looking for.
I peronally query the BRC based on property name, then dig deeper to see if the rulename matches something I expect.
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