Hi Rocky,
On PTracker we have unit of work pattern examples of Creator and Getter. Those are ReadOnly collections. This is a way to make sure a given set of objects is present at a given time and it's most important in asynchronous scenarios. Otherwise I risk to have an object to edit but not having all the NameValueList needed to populate the combo boxes for that object. (BTW, CslaGenFork has a UnitOfWork object type with the implementation of Getter ready and Creator well advanced).
On Using Csla 4 ebooks samples we also an Updater. This is a CommandBase object that transactionally updates two or more objects. It's a "all or nothing" strategy: if it doesn't succeed to update all of them, it doesn't update anything at all.
What is missing is a Deleter example. If it doesn't succeed to delete all of them, it doesn't delete anything at all.
Delete is no different from update right? Or am I missing something?
Just in the DataPortal_Execute you'd make calls to delete each root object instead of to update each root object - using immediate or deferred deletion, depending on the model supported by each root.
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