Like everyone else much of my SL coding involves data access using zero to one parameters. Yesterday I needed to create a Criteria class for three parameters, What I thought was a no-sweat operation turned into a nightmare when, no matter what I did, my DataPortal_Fetch(MyCriteria crit) would never get hit.
Originally I had subclassed BusinessBase. After reading the CSAL4 book, I subclassed CriteriaBase, but still no luck. Then I remembered using a Criteria class for something many months ago, and that one had been working ever since. I though I'll take a look. The only difference I found was a Public Criteria() { } sitting the in the class.
Not expecting anything particular, I added the same into my new Criteria class - and boom thare it was. My lonely little DataPortal_Fetch(MyCriteria crit) had a hit. Yea!! Was it just a fluke, or was this what was sorely needed all along? That's the question.
The MobileFormatter requires that all serializable types have a public default constructor.
Because I've been doing so much SL/WP7, I have taken to always implementing public default constructors (actually I almost never implement any constructors, so the compiler creates the public default ctor).
For some reason, the compiler was not creating the default constructor in my Criteria class - or so it seems. I used to always add a default public constructor. Then about a month ago I started using CodeRush - a pesky little add-on which has been driving me nuts. One of its pet goals in life is to make me remove all Default Public constructors. (The other is to keep telling me that I do not need to import Csla.Serialization)
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