I don't know if this is the right place to ask but here I go:
-There is some place where we can find information about each ebook revision available with the related release date? With this kind of information it would be easy to know if we must download a new version.
-There is some kind of "errata index" for the ebooks so we don't have to browse the entire book each time a new revision is available?
The current version numbers are displayed on the Using CSLA 4 ebook series download page by each book. The version numbers are also in each book, on the copyright page, and at the bottom of each page of chapter content.
I post in several places when I update the ebooks:
I haven't built an errata web site, no. In fact, only the CSLA .NET Overview book has been through a round of errata subsequent to its release, and almost all the errata for that book was typographical.
More substantive errata was provided during the editing phase of Creating Business Objects, but there's no errata (yet) on the final release of that book. Quite a lot of changes occurred between the draft and final - and that is to be expected during the edit phase.
In short, I'll probably figure out a way to expose the errata or changes to ebooks after they are released, but not during the pre-release or draft phases, because that's just unrealistic (numerous changes on each page is common).
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