DataReader closed when returned to BO (Encapsulated Invocation)

DataReader closed when returned to BO (Encapsulated Invocation)

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bmmathe posted on Monday, June 20, 2011

I'm referencing Chapter 4 of the DataAccess Csla 4.0 eBook.

I like the idea of Encapsulated Invocation for my DAL but I'm using ADO.Net SqlClient and the readers are closed when they are returned back to the BO because of the using block in the Fetch method.

Does anyone have a good solution to be able to create the reader in the DAL library and close it in the BO DP_Fetch method?

bmmathe replied on Monday, June 20, 2011

Issue resolved.  I accidentally used the EF DAL Manager example instead of the SQL CE DAL Manager class.

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