Using CslaAuthorizationProvider

Using CslaAuthorizationProvider

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HK.Lee posted on Monday, June 27, 2011

Hi all,

My app is SL4 with Csla 4.1. User roles become bloating so I'm trying to change into custom identity implementing IAuthorizeDataPortal . I changed app settings of web cofig and set my SL bootstrapper to set authenticatetype into 'windows' as well as implementing IAuthorizeDataPortal ,which is well addressed in DataPortal.pdf e-book. So far so good. When I opened App and send first rqst, AuthorizeDataportal runs fine and set user roles through my databse.

However, in some rqsts, received exception that user has no role to fetch.   I debug and compare between working and error rqst what 's the difference, but no luck. The procedure is as follows after rqst ;

1.WcfPortal.Fetch -> 2.SilverlightRequestProcessor.Fetch -> 3.DataPortal.Fetch ->

4.DataPortalClient.LocalProxy.Fetch -> 5.Server.DataPortal.Fetch -> 6.AuthorizeDataPortal.Authorize

The difference between working and error rqst is in step 3. In working rqst, all steps goes fine to the end but in error rqst,  it stops there in !Csla.Rules.BusinessRules.HasPermission(Rules.AuthorizationActions.GetObject, objectType) and throw exception.

At the step 3, AuthenticateType is 'windows' and Authenticated is 'fase' in both cases. Tried several hours but can't catch what's wrong. Both cases runs fine in AuthenticateType is not 'windows' and is very simple method as such.

MyCustomer.GetMyCutomer((o,e) =>



Any advice would be highly apprciated. Thanks in advance



HK.Lee replied on Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Is there no one who can HELP me ?

In case of  failed request, Csla.AllicationContext.User.Identity is not my specific identity any more but  system.generalized.idenity because IAuthorizeDataPortal is not touched so identity is not authenticated. Is there any good method to debug or something to refer ? I'm running app server in vs2010 .

Any advice wud be appreciated. Thanks inadvance.




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