I was reading "Creating business objects", the section with title "Collection Adds Item" and I have a doubt:
If my new child object needs to receive some parameters in Child_Create and then go to the database, can I just call DataPortal.CreateChild from the Add method in my collection and then in Child_Create use some other object to go to the database, or I have to call a Creator object from the collection as explained in the book?
In the collection:
public UserGroupOfUser Add(Guid userGroupId)
var child = DataPortal.FetchChild<UserGroupOfUser>(userGroupId);
return child;
And in the child object:
protected void Child_Create(Guid userGroupId)
//Verify if the user group exists
var getInfo = UserGroups.GetUserGroupInfo.GetInfo(userGroupId);
if (!getInfo.Exists)
throw new ApplicationException(UserGroupOfUserResources.InvalidUserGroup);
using (BypassPropertyChecks)
Id = userGroupId;
Name = getInfo.Info.Name;
IsSupport = getInfo.Info.IsSupport;
Active = getInfo.Info.Active;
You can't use CreateChild if you need to hit the database and you're on the client. You'll have to do a normal Create call, and implement DataPortal_Create which takes your parameters. Just make sure you call MarkAsChild somewhere in your DP_C.
Thank you for your answer Andy. I'm aware the code in Child_Create is on the client and I understand the approach you are proposing, but I want to know if what I did is Ok.
If you look at the code, in Child_Create I use an object called GetUserGroupInfo and that object is the responsible for going to the database. However I'm not sure yet if I can do that from Child_Create safelly (I can't test it yet). Basically instead of calling a creator object from the Add method in the collection or implementing DataPortal_Create in child, I'm calling a creator object from Child_Create. Can that be a problem?
The code in GetUserGroupInfo is this:
using System;
using Csla;
namespace AccountsManagement.Library.Security.UserGroups
public class GetUserGroupInfo : ReadOnlyBase<GetUserGroupInfo>
#region Business
public static readonly PropertyInfo<UserGroupInfo> InfoProperty = RegisterProperty<UserGroupInfo>(p => p.Info);
public UserGroupInfo Info
get { return GetProperty(InfoProperty); }
private set { LoadProperty(InfoProperty, value); }
public bool Exists
get { return Info != null; }
public override string ToString()
return Info == null ? "" : Info.Name;
#region Factory
internal static GetUserGroupInfo GetInfo(Guid id)
return DataPortal.Fetch<GetUserGroupInfo>(id);
public static void GetInfo(Guid id, EventHandler<DataPortalResult<GetUserGroupInfo>> callback)
DataPortal.BeginFetch<GetUserGroupInfo>(id, callback);
#region DataPortal
private void DataPortal_Fetch(Guid id)
using (var ctx = AccountsManagement.Dal.DalFactory.GetManager())
var dal = ctx.GetProvider<AccountsManagement.Dal.Security.UserGroups.IUserGroupDal>();
Info = DataPortal.FetchChild<UserGroupInfo>(dal.Fetch(id));
Oh sorry, I missed that in your code. I don't see why that wouldn't work.
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