Rules, calculated property, datagrid refresh

Rules, calculated property, datagrid refresh

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mesh posted on Sunday, July 03, 2011

I just can't get a grasp on 4.0 rules system. There are two simple rules that calculate values. They both do get executed, but Total2Property does not get refreshed in DataGrid, not until I double click the cell.

So, please can someone tell me what is wrong here? I tried chaining rules, but with same results. How should I write rules in this situation?

 UPDATE: Seems that only primary property gets updated?



 protected override void AddBusinessRules()
            BusinessRules.ProcessThroughPriority = 1;



             BusinessRules.AddRule(new Csla.Rules.CommonRules.Dependency(PriceProperty, Total1Property));
            BusinessRules.AddRule(new Csla.Rules.CommonRules.Dependency(QuantityProperty, Total1Property));
            BusinessRules.AddRule(new Total1(Total1Property, PriceProperty, QuantityProperty) { Priority = 2 });

            BusinessRules.AddRule(new Csla.Rules.CommonRules.Dependency(TaxProperty, Total1Property));
            BusinessRules.AddRule(new Total2(Total1Property, Total2Property, TaxProperty) { Priority = 3 });


 public class Total1 : Csla.Rules.BusinessRule
        IPropertyInfo PriceProperty;
        IPropertyInfo QuantityProperty;

        public Total1(IPropertyInfo Total1Property, IPropertyInfo PriceProperty, IPropertyInfo QuantityProperty)
            : base(Total1Property)
            if (InputProperties == null) InputProperties = new List<IPropertyInfo>() { Total1Property, PriceProperty, QuantityProperty };

            this.PriceProperty = PriceProperty;
            this.QuantityProperty = QuantityProperty;

        protected override void Execute(RuleContext context)
            context.AddOutValue(Math.Round((decimal)context.InputPropertyValues[this.PriceProperty] * (decimal)context.InputPropertyValues[this.QuantityProperty], 2));

   public class Total2 : Csla.Rules.BusinessRule
        IPropertyInfo Total2Property;
        IPropertyInfo TaxProperty;

        public Total2(IPropertyInfo Total1Property, IPropertyInfo Total2Property, IPropertyInfo TaxProperty)
            : base(Total1Property)
            if (InputProperties == null) InputProperties = new List<IPropertyInfo>() { Total1Property, Total2Property, TaxProperty };


            this.Total2Property = Total2Property;
            this.TaxProperty = TaxProperty;

        protected override void Execute(RuleContext context)
            context.AddOutValue(Total2Property, (decimal)context.InputPropertyValues[PrimaryProperty] + (decimal)context.InputPropertyValues[this.TaxProperty]);

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