I'm missing something here but didn't see anything in the forum that helped me figure it out.
I have an Editable Root Parent list object with a couple Editable Child properties. Instead of using FieldManager.UpdateChildren, I'm trying to insert each child property separately because I need to pass a unique value to each one. However, I'm getting the [Child_Update not implemented] exception. Here is the call from the parent:
protected override void DataPortal_Insert() {
using (var dalManager = DataAccess.DalFactory.GetManager())
var dal = dalManager.GetProvider<DataAccess.ICustomerCallPlanDal>();
using (BypassPropertyChecks)
{Id = dal.Insert(CustomerBranchNumber, SalesRepId);}
DataPortal.UpdateChild(MondayProperty, this, DayOfWeek.Monday);
DataPortal.UpdateChild(TuesdayProperty, this, DayOfWeek.Tuesday);
} In the editable child property object, I've got the following for the Child_Insert method:
private void Child_Insert(CustomerCallPlan plan, DayOfWeek dayId){ using (BypassPropertyChecks) {
using (var dalManager = DataAccess.DalFactory.GetManager())
{ var dal = dalManager.GetProvider<DataAccess.ICustomerCallPlanDayDal>();
using (BypassPropertyChecks)
{ Id = dal.Insert(plan.Id, dayId, StartDate, CallTime, RecurrenceInterval, Notes); } } } } It appears that my signatures match, so I'm not sure what the deal is. [EDIT] - I forgot to include the Child_Udate method, although I don't know why this is being called since the child objects are new (and therefore the Child_Insert method should be called). Here's the Child_Update signature:
void Child_Update(CustomerCallPlan plan, DayOfWeek dayId)
Nevermind on this (I think). Part of my problem was that I had been messing with manually calling MarkNew (and overriding that with MarkClean included) which I think was making it do things I wasn't expecting. I'm still not clear on why my method signatures seemed to match yet I was getting the errors...but I opted to go another route with my design so that I didn't need to pass in the extra parameter for the editable child properties. I think I'm good for the moment...
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