methodHandle.DynamicMethod returns null but the obj is valid

methodHandle.DynamicMethod returns null but the obj is valid

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Phlar posted on Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Hi All,

I have a rather strange/confusing issue.  Prior to making some web.config changes the objectGraph would be returned back to the UI without any issue.  We began adding some additional binding changes for timeouts (but have since removed them).  Now our objectGraph is null on the client side (we even reverted back to a preivous version from our souce control without any luck).

I've narrowed it down to the following line:

result = methodHandle.DynamicMethod(obj, inParams);

I've evaluated the obj parameter and it does appear to contain the objectGraph we want.  However, the result is null.

Has anyone else encountered this or can give me a hand on where to investigate?


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