I have a textbox in a view with MaskBehavior
<Usercontrol >
<TextBox Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1" Margin="3" Height=" 23" Text="{Binding Model.No,UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" inf:MaskBehavior.Mask="{Binding Path= NameMask}" />
code behind:
public partial class MaterialCompositeView : DocumentContent
public MaterialCompositeView()
MaterialCompositeViewModel ViewModel
this.DataContext = value;
in my model, no exist MameMask property. I add the NameMask Property into my ViewModel.
public class MaterialCompositeViewModel:ViewModel<Materials>
Public string NameMask{get;set;}
I expect the user can define the mask at runtime. how can i get the value from the database?
Add a commandbase into the model to get the value or another solution? pls advise.
Thank you
I expect the user can define the mask at runtime. how can i get the value from the database?
Add a commandbase into the model to get the value or another solution? pls advise.
I typically use simple read only objects to load metadata like that from the database. You'll probably want to use a UOW to load the data and metadata with a single call to the server (especially in Silverlight, where you need both sets of information at the same time, and you need to overcome the async nature of SL).
I read the UOW of Using Csla. And how to realize the ViewModel? below is right?
public class MaterialCompositeViewModel:ViewModel<MaterialComposieViewModel>
Public string NameMask
get{return NameMaskList..DefultValue;}
public MaterialCompositeViewModel()
private void InitData()
pls advies.
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