recommended WCF binding for 3-tier WPF app?

recommended WCF binding for 3-tier WPF app?

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TSF posted on Thursday, August 04, 2011

The answer to this question is probably an "it depends," but for a WPF app running in a secured domain, what is the recommended wcf binding to use for a 3-tier model?  I would guess TCP given the performance improvements over HTTP.  But from what I understand, I would have to set up a WAS server or self-host.  Would it be unwise to try basicHttpBinding or wsHttpBinding?

Right now we're experimenting with relatively low-volume Silverlight & WPF apps for learning, but we're looking at moving our main order entry application from VB6 to WPF/CSLA 4.1 within the next year, and it is a very high-volume app and performance is critical.


sergeyb replied on Thursday, August 04, 2011

If you are running on the intranet, nettcpbinding will offer superior performance to http, and is recommended by MS for intranet applications.

TSF replied on Thursday, August 04, 2011

Thanks.  Is Windows Activation Service the recommended way to host the netTcpBinding-configured WCF service on the intranet?

sergeyb replied on Thursday, August 04, 2011

That I am not sure about.  You can host WCF in IIS even with tcp binding though.  I never used WAS for that, only Windows Service and IIS.

RockfordLhotka replied on Thursday, August 04, 2011

You do need to use WAS, but you can do so within IIS to get the IIS management benefits. I discuss this in the Using CSLA 4: Data Portal Configuration ebook.

TSF replied on Friday, August 05, 2011

In the e-book, you also talk about AppFabric.  Does AppFabric use WAS?  Would it be recommended to use AppFabric instead of just WAS?

RockfordLhotka replied on Friday, August 05, 2011

Right now I don't know that AppFabric adds that much (unless you need the specific features it offers). But strategically I suspect it is the best option, because AppFabric is the technology under which Microsoft is slowly providing some parity between Windows Server and Windows Azure.

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