Hi folks,
Software: CSLA 4.1 – VS2010
After I have read the CSLA Expert C# 2008 Business Objects, watched CSLA 4 MVVM Video Series and practiced some CSLA with WinForm, I ‘m testing myself to create a small WPF demo in order to understand the basics (MVVM pattern) before starting the serious project.
I have chosen to develop in WPF, because the future application will need to interact with a client-side peripheral and you use a client-side database.
Here my issue: I have tried to design a small demo by inspiration of the the SLDemo but without success so far. I have spent almost 2 day to found out what I’m doing wrong. Its looks like that the XAML form is not bind with the ViewModel. So, I have got no presentation data and the triggerActions dont call any methods (Save, Cancel).
I’m wondering is someone could have a look at the code attached below to teach me what I’m missing, or send me a small app sample (WPF/MVVP) to learn how to make it right.
Thanks a lot in advance for your help,
Best regards,
Take a closer look at the way Rocky sets the DataContext in the SIDemo project. I think that will get you on your way. Sorry about the brevity but I'm at work.
I looked at your project. I think you should look at few of the CSLA samples out there.
It looks like you are missing some key components MVVM. I think that CSLA MVVMexperiment sample maybe helpful to you.
Also the projecttracker is a very good sample.
Good Luck
I can't over emphasize how much a code generator will help you. I use CodeSmith.
Thanks for your answers. Actually, the big problem was from my poor understanding of xaml binding.
Best regards,
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