What happened to the AddNewCore overrides that EditableRootList.cst and EditableChildList.cst started generating with release 0.9.2 of Ricky Supit's C# templates for CSLA .NET 2.0? I noticed release 0.9.5 of these templates no longer generate AddNewCore overrides and would like to understand the change - whether to revisit classes I generated with prior versions of the templates etcetera.
Also, I noticed that EditableChild.cst no longer generates a default constructor and parameterless factory method. Were these editable-child methods generated just to support parent collections' AddNewCore overrides?
Joe Egan
AddNewCore is still generated. Since 0.9.4 it only generates when the primary key is auto generated typed.
EditableChild will generate parameterless factory new method when the primary key is an identity key or guid.
Try to generate on a table with identity column and see if the generated code is what you have described.
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