IIS 7 windows authentication setting for MVC

IIS 7 windows authentication setting for MVC

Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/10699.aspx

kamtaj posted on Tuesday, September 20, 2011


I'm new to CSLA 4 and I am trying to setup windows authentication for MVC.  I had run the windows sample from using csla dataportal book and it had shown the current domain user correctly.  I had changed the configuration to use local IIS 7 server instead of development server which had caused the sample to display the following:

Principal information

Web Server


IsAuthenticated: False


IsHomeUser: False

IsGuest: False

App Server


IsAuthenticated: False


IsHomeUser: False

IsGuest: False


I had enabled ASP.Net Impersonation without luck. I need to know what I should do to IIS 7 server in order to act same as development web server and display the correct information.

Thank You!

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