Due to a major scope change, I've recently upgraded an existing project from CSLA3.8 + WPF to CSLA4 + MVC3 (razor). I should let you know at this point that I have much less experience with ASP.NET than WPF!
My issue is with trying to use the WebGrid with a 'ReadOnlyListBase' in ASP.NET - it always generates a StackOverflowException.
I can easily display the items in the ROLB, using the sytax shown by Rocky in the ASP.NET MVC ebook (i.e., using a 'foreach' loop), but it seems that using a WebGrid would be more compact (I'm planning on lazy-loading a 3-level BO hierarchy using Ajax).
Here's my code:
@model IEnumerable<AssetROInfo> @{ var assetGrid = new WebGrid(source: Model, defaultSort: "Code", rowsPerPage: 5, canPage: true, canSort: true ); }
<h3>Asset List</h3> @assetGrid.GetHtml( tableStyle: "grid", headerStyle: "head", alternatingRowStyle: "alt", columns: assetGrid.Columns( assetGrid.Column("Id", "ID"), assetGrid.Column("Code", "Asset Code"), assetGrid.Column("Description", "Asset Desc") ) )
...and the StackOverflowException is happening on the
call. I am unable to find any examples of using WebGrid with CSLA classes....am I missing something fundamental here?
It just seems like such a simple problem but I can't get to the cause of the problem. Would be grateful if anyone can help with this (or detail an appropriate approach).
[As this is my first post, I just have to say how impressed I've been with Csla since we started employing it 1.5yrs ago - Rocky, you've done a superb job...so thanks very much!]
I honestly haven't tried using the WebGrid component.
Can you post the full stack trace? Maybe there's a clue in there.
Or could you post a small sample project that fails so we could debug this in CSLA?
Hey I'm really sorry guys. You responded so quickly to my original post and I was rude and never came back to supply you with more information. Truth be told I had to leave what I was doing at the time and address some other pressing projects...I'll take a look at the initial problem and get back to you ASAP.
Sorry, John
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