Re: CSLA ObservableBindingList<T> causes System.Xml.XmlException due to auto property

Re: CSLA ObservableBindingList<T> causes System.Xml.XmlException due to auto property

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StefanCop posted on Monday, October 17, 2011


I'm also puzzled, because I use a TCP binding out of the "WCF box" (we use WPF). Why an XML encoding problem? I have been unsure if actually binary encoded is used.

Therefore, I looked at the stack a bit in a debugger, and although im not a WCF expert, I got to the conculsion that some validation is made on XML base,  either before or after the actual encoding (that I guessed from method names on the stack indicating something like "validate").

The encoder property of some WCF class was set to BinaryFormatter, which is what I really wanted to be sure.

I could the "first chance exception" narrowed to the already mentioned auto property in our classes and ObservableBindingList (AllowEdit, AllowNew, AllowRemove). So, I stick with the "old style" properties with an explicit internal field. That reduces the chatty messages in VisualStudio's Output. a lot. 


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