Hi everybody,
in a SL4 Project using CSLA 4.1 I have a BusinessBase class containing 2 Methods:
public void doWork(EventHandler<DataPortalResult<doWorkCommand>> callback)
public static void doWork(int Id, EventHandler<DataPortalResult<doWorkCommand>> callback)
I would like to create a AuthorizationActions.ExecuteMethod rule like
BusinessRules.AddRule(new Csla.Rules.CommonRules.IsInRole(Csla.Rules.AuthorizationActions.ExecuteMethod, doWorkMethod , new List<string> {"MayDoWork" } ));
public static MethodInfo doWorkMethod = RegisterMethod(typeof(MyBusinessBase), "doWork");
fails because of the different method signatures of doWork.
Is there any way for creating this rule in this class without renaming one of the doWork Methods.
No, this is a limitation of the way methods are registered. You will need to rename one of the methods.
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