Hi Rocky,
In Using CSLA4-02 Objects, about the MarkOld method you say that DataPortal takes care of it on Insert and Update. I guess this means DataPortal_Insert/Child_Insert and DataPortal_Update/Child_Update take care of calling MarkOld.
What about DataPortal_Fetch? Does it also takes care of calling this method? BTW I can't see a single example of MarkOld usage either on PTracker or EncapsulatedInvoke/EncapsulatedInvokeDto.
This is the code from f.ex SimpleDataPortal - so yes, MarkOld is called on the object before DataPortal_Fetch:
// create an instance of the business object. obj = new LateBoundObject(objectType); target = obj.Instance as IDataPortalTarget; if (target != null) { target.DataPortal_OnDataPortalInvoke(eventArgs); target.MarkOld(); } else { obj.CallMethodIfImplemented("DataPortal_OnDataPortalInvoke", eventArgs); obj.CallMethodIfImplemented("MarkOld"); } // tell the business object to fetch its data if (criteria is EmptyCriteria) obj.CallMethod("DataPortal_Fetch"); else obj.CallMethod("DataPortal_Fetch", criteria); if (target != null) target.DataPortal_OnDataPortalInvokeComplete(eventArgs); else obj.CallMethodIfImplemented( "DataPortal_OnDataPortalInvokeComplete", eventArgs); // return the populated business object as a result return new DataPortalResult(obj.Instance);
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