Just downloaded 4.2 beta and noticed there is an VS Template intsaller app. When I try and open it in VS2010, it fails with an exception that the project type is not supported.
Anything special I need to do ?
Once I get it loaded, do I just build it and run the resulting install app to get the templates?
In order to build the vsix (installer) yourself you need the Visual Studio 2010 SDK to be installed.
Once you have the vsix installer you run it to install into VS2010.
The original intent was to publish these templates (vsix installer) on Visual studio Gallery.
NuGet deployment has also been discussed.
Do you still plan on releasing to Visual Studio Gallery?
I noticed the Nuget link on the Csla source download page and downloaded the Nuget Package Manager in VS Extension Manager. I installed Csla for Windows Forms. Pretty slick! Its like the app store for Visual Studio.
One Question. Should the Nuget installer have created a Csla components section in my Toolbox with the ReadWriteAuth component etc.?
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