Need "SelectCountMethod" property in CslaDataSource

Need "SelectCountMethod" property in CslaDataSource

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Jav posted on Friday, September 01, 2006

When working with FormViews and displaying more than one row of data, it is helpful to provide the total count of records in the Collection through a SelectCountMethod.  We could just return a Collection.count.  CslaDataSource does not have such a property.


ajj3085 replied on Friday, September 01, 2006

Check out 2.1 beta refresh.  I think that Rocky added a property to address this.

Jav replied on Friday, September 01, 2006

I am certainly eyeing the 2.1, but at the current development stage of my project, I can ill afford to rewrite stuff in my Biz layer while my Asp stuff lingers.  If I could just plug it in without big changes, I would do it in a heartbeat.

I suppose I could add the property to my copy of 2.0.3.  As I understand, there is not any code required in Csla, just a place to hold the name of the method.


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