I feel like I'm missing something in the initialization of the object in its DataPortal_Fetch but I'm not sure what. The object in question inherits from BusinessBase. I'm fetching an object in a console app and then editing one property. After the edit IsDirty = true, IsValid = true but the object is not savable. What am I missing?
Thanks for any input you might have,
Dane R. Vinson
1. Does your object have async rules (still running or do not call context.Complete, ie: object is still IsBusy)
2. Does your object have any authorization rules?
Check if your object has IsBusy = true or authz rules.
This is the actual code in BusinessBase:
public virtual bool IsSavable { get { bool auth; if (IsDeleted) auth = Csla.Rules.BusinessRules.HasPermission(Rules.AuthorizationActions.DeleteObject, this); else if (IsNew) auth = Csla.Rules.BusinessRules.HasPermission(Rules.AuthorizationActions.CreateObject, this); else auth = Csla.Rules.BusinessRules.HasPermission(Rules.AuthorizationActions.EditObject, this); return (auth && IsDirty && IsValid && !IsBusy); } }
Thanks again Jonny. It was an authorization rule.
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