Hi guys I have a problem while trying to override the remove method in a collection basically what I want it should do that the yo should call a remove method and remove the selected object from the list but this does not happen because it keeps on looping since the remove method was overridden
Here is my code
Public overloads sun remove(I'd as integer)
For each info as obj in me
If obj.objid=Id
Exit sub
End sub
But this doesn't work because it's causing a loop that doesn't stop any help on this
You must call Parent.Remove and not the overridden metod as a recursive call.
And you should also use a linq query or move item to a variable. You cannot remove an item inside a for-each loop.
I did try MyBase.Remove But it gives me the error "Invalid for root objects - use Delete instead"
so i tried MyBase.Items.Remove but it doesn't remove from the collection
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