I am testing the ObjectListView and did not get very far. There seems to be a bug in one of the constructors. Here is the code:
public ObjectListView(IList list, string propertyName, ListSortDirection direction, string filter):
this(list, TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(list.GetType().GetProperty("Item").PropertyType)[propertyName], direction, filter){
My collection class has an overloaded Item Property so you can find an Item by the PK as well as the Index. This causes the costructor above to crash with this exception:
'System.Reflection.AmbiguousMatchException' occurred in mscorlib.dll
Additional information: Ambiguous match found.
I think it is rather common to have such overloads.
Do you think you can fix this?
PS - I will try some of the other constructors for now.
Same problem occurs in this constructor only further down:
public ObjectListView(IList list, ListSortDescriptionCollection sorts, string filter)
if (filter == null) filter = string.Empty;
_list = list;
_indexedType = _list.GetType().GetProperty("Item").PropertyType;
Hey Brian,
Sure I would like to try it. Thanks for making the fix so quick.
Hi Brian,
I just ran a quick test and got past the bug in the constructor. Nice solution.
I bound it to a web page grid and it all works very well.
I think I may end up using it in my project after I test it some more.
But so far so good!
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