I want to disable the RemoveButton per Instance.
In the sample (05-WpfSl-111028) the Removebutton in ProjectList View binding to ProjectList ViewModel's CanRemove:
public new bool CanRemove {
get { return Csla.Rules.BusinessRules.HasPermission(Csla.Rules.AuthorizationActions.DeleteObject, typeof(ProjectTracker.Library.ProjectEdit)); }
I add some code into ProjectEdit Model 's
protected override void AddBusinessRules()
this.BusinessRules.AddRule(new MyEditRule(AuthorizationActions.EditObject));
private class MyEditRule : Csla.Rules.AuthorizationRule
public MyEditRule(Csla.Rules.AuthorizationActions action)
: base(action)
protected override void Execute(AuthorizationContext context)
var target = (ProjectEdit)context.Target;
if (target != null)
context.HasPermission = target.Name != "Update ProjectTracker";
but it does not work correctly.
how disable the RemoveButton per instance?
now i only use following code to disable the button in my code.
private RoleInfo focusedRow;
public RoleInfo FocusedRow
get { return focusedRow; }
if (focusedRow != value)
focusedRow = value;
this.DeleteCommand = new DelegateCommand<RoleInfo>(OnDeleteExcuted,OnCanDelete);
private bool OnCanDelete(RoleInfo info)
if (info == null || info.Name == "Administrators")
return false;
return Csla.Rules.BusinessRules.HasPermission(Csla.Rules.AuthorizationActions.DeleteObject, typeof(Role));
but instantiate the Role Model. above code does not work correctly. because below code will run and context.Target is null.
private class RoleDeleteRule : Csla.Rules.AuthorizationRule
public RoleDeleteRule(Csla.Rules.AuthorizationActions action) : base(action)
{ }
protected override void Execute(AuthorizationContext context)
var target = (Role)context.Target;
if (target != null)
context.HasPermission = target.Name != "Administrators";
I got it from the book.
Finally, for the edit and delete actions you might have an object instance you can supply to the rule:
bool canEdit = Csla.Rules.BusinessRules.HasPermission( Csla.Rules.AuthorizationActions.EditObject, obj);
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