In the SL inventory sample demo ver. 4.2.2, the assembly Csla.Server.Host is reported as unknown type or namespace. what should I look for to fix this?
When does this error occur? When you build the solution, or run the app?
fwiw, I just built and ran it and it worked fine - so "it works on my machine" :)
it builds successfully but intellisense does squiggly red under the Host.
Not to put too fine a point on it, but I don't have time to search the entire codebase to find what you are talking about. I'm happy to help, but only if you can provide enough info so I'm not playing 20 questions...
I'll drill it down. Thanks for your time.
Well, an add-in was the culprit and was interfering with intellisense!
I am glad you were able to find a solution!
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