This is a really strange issue that I have not been able to reproduce on my development machinem but one that our QA team is regularly able to reproduce.
I have collection that is bound to a grid in silverlight. The user inserts a couple of new entries and update a few and clicks save. Sometimes, "nothing" happens. The button gets clicked but no request is reaching the server.
I have put debug statements on the silverlight client and can see that the collection is dirty and is savable. The Model is also savable.
However, the call fails to reach the data portal on the server side.
I have enabled wcf tracing on the server. But the data generated is huge and I'm not sure what to look for. Is there anything in the IIS logs that I can look for or any area in the CSLA framework that I can put additional tracing to figure out why the call is failing to reach the server.
The first place I'd put log/trace code is in the client-side callback code. I'm assuming you always check e.Error, or in your viewmodel you override OnError?
There are (generally) three options:
Hi Rocky,
Thank you for the speedy reply.
I had already verified that:
(1) The button click event binding was connected and that Save was called.
(2) The Model was Dirty and Saveable.
(3) I do override the OnError and display the error messages on the screen.
However, I will put in additional tracing on the client callbacks to see if flow of control reaches the callback code. I will also put in a trace to check if the wcf proxy is being created.
Any other suggestions would be appreciated.
An update here. I managed to capture the exception that is being thrown. It is the dreaded "Csla.Core.UndoException: Edit level mismatch in AcceptChanges".
However, I'm at a complete loss to understand why this occurs only on the QA machine and not on any of the developers or end users machines. I cannot ignore this as any QA issue is a potential production issue.
Any help or suggestions here will be hugely appreciated.
ViewModelBase<T>.BeginSave().Catch -- Csla.Core.UndoException: Edit level mismatch in AcceptChanges
00000025 19.30083275 [3904] at Csla.Rules.BusinessRules.Csla.Core.IUndoableObject.AcceptChanges(Int32 parentEditLevel, Boolean parentBindingEdit)
00000026 19.30083275 [3904] at Csla.Core.BusinessBase.AcceptingChanges()
00000027 19.30083275 [3904] at Csla.Core.UndoableBase.AcceptChanges(Int32 parentEditLevel)
00000028 19.30083275 [3904] at Csla.Core.UndoableBase.Csla.Core.IUndoableObject.AcceptChanges(Int32 parentEditLevel, Boolean parentBindingEdit)
00000029 19.30083275 [3904] at Csla.Core.UndoableBase.ResetChildEditLevel(IUndoableObject child, Int32 parentEditLevel, Boolean bindingEdit)
00000030 19.30083275 [3904] at Csla.BusinessListBase`2.InsertItem(Int32 index, C item)
00000031 19.30083275 [3904] at System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1.Add(T item)
00000032 19.30083275 [3904] at Csla.Core.MobileBindingList`1.OnSetChildren(SerializationInfo info, MobileFormatter formatter)
00000033 19.30083275 [3904] at Csla.BusinessListBase`2.OnSetChildren(SerializationInfo info, MobileFormatter formatter)
00000034 19.30083275 [3904] at Csla.Core.MobileBindingList`1.Csla.Serialization.Mobile.IMobileObject.SetChildren(SerializationInfo info, MobileFormatter formatter)
00000035 19.30083275 [3904] at Csla.Serialization.Mobile.MobileFormatter.DeserializeAsDTO(List`1 deserialized)
00000036 19.30083275 [3904] at Csla.Serialization.Mobile.MobileFormatter.Deserialize(List`1 data)
00000037 19.30083275 [3904] at Csla.Serialization.Mobile.MobileFormatter.Deserialize(XmlReader reader)
00000038 19.30083275 [3904] at Csla.Serialization.Mobile.MobileFormatter.Deserialize(Stream serializationStream)
00000039 19.30083275 [3904] at Csla.Core.ObjectCloner.Clone(Object obj)
00000040 19.30083275 [3904] at Csla.BusinessListBase`2.GetClone()
00000041 19.30083275 [3904] at Csla.BusinessListBase`2.Csla.ICloneable.Clone()
00000042 19.30083275 [3904] at Csla.Xaml.ViewModelBase`1.BeginSave()
The QA people must be following some steps that other people aren't following. This may be down to keystroke or mouse gesture level actions that somehow leaves focus on some control that keeps some edit level elevated or something.
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