OK, so I've made _some_ progress in my attempts to put together the necessary classes, etc in Vb.Net.
I've now recreated a simple EncapsulatedInvoke-type Windows FORMS application and all seemed to be going well.
Until now.
When I try to retrieve a personList, which is being executed in the Dataportal_Fetch method of my Library.Net.PersonList class.
I get a
System.NotImplementedException My Fetch looks like this: Private Overloads Sub DataPortal_Fetch() IsReadOnly = False Dim rlce = RaiseListChangedEvents RaiseListChangedEvents = False Using dalManager = DataAccess.DalFactory.GetManager() Dim dal = dalManager.GetProvider(Of DataAccess.IPersonDal)() '----< error is here!! Using data = dal.Fetch() End Sub It definitely gets the correct dalManager and my IPersonDal looks like this: Imports System.Collections.Generic Function Fetch() As IDataReader End Interface
While data.Read()
Dim item = DataPortal.FetchChild(Of PersonInfo)(data)
End While
End Using
End Using
RaiseListChangedEvents = rlce
IsReadOnly = True
Imports System.Linq
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Data
Public Interface IPersonDal
Function Fetch(id As Integer) As IDataReader
Function Insert(firstName As String, lastName As String) As Integer
Sub Update(id As Integer, firstName As String, lastName As String)
Sub Delete(id As Integer)
Any ideas?
Never mind.
I'm an Idiot.
PersonDal did not exist in my Mock assembly.
Well - presuming this code is using what you published in previous posts, my first thought is whether the "NotImplementedException" is coming from your GetProvider() method because it can't construct the type you're asking for. The code you posted throws this very exception in that event.
- Scott
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