Users/Roles (authentication) example using the encapsulated invoke model?

Users/Roles (authentication) example using the encapsulated invoke model?

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gajit posted on Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Hi gents,

I'm struggling somewhat to understand the implementation of the user/roles in CSLA4, mainly because all of the examples I've seen so far use the DTO model to omplement them.

In CSLA 2.x the Roles property was implemented as a List in the PTIdentity class, but I don't really understand how things fit together in DTO model.

I'm reasonably clear on the 'regular' parent/child objects, but because we're dealing with a system security implement, I'm pretty sure something different applies. Does anyone have an example of how I would implement the PTIdentity, PTPriincipal, xxxDals and IxxxDals?




gajit replied on Tuesday, February 21, 2012


I came across a solution, "Permissions" that uses custom authentication that includes a HasPermission implementation. This is very similar to what I'm doing currently with CSLA 2.1.

This might help.

It uses ObjectFactory, but as the authentication model will likely never change once I've implemented it, it should suffice. Maybe once I'm more familiar with CSLA4, I can re-write using EncapInvoke....



gajit replied on Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Maybe, I should dig deeper before posting - sorry.

There are a plethora of examples in the Dataportal sample projects.

Oh, well - at the very least my threads will act as a guide for others following the same path ;)



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