Application return an error message references the
at myLibrary.SomeList.DataPortal_Update()
at dm(Object, Object[])
at Csla.Reflection.MethodCaller.CallMethod(Object obj, DynamicMethodHandle methodHandle, Object[]parameters))
during child insert/update.
What very strange is that it happened only for one computer.
I tried my application with different accounts and from different computers and only this one give this kind of error.
How can I explain this?
This is 3-tier application, so the error happened on a server side.
To start with you must identify exactly which exception is thrown and the callstack to identify where in the code.
Then you can dig into what is causing that exception to be thrown..
I am working on this issue right you have any idea how it can happens only on one particular workstation?
I am very curious even to get a simple idea for the explanation
Some possibilities:
It is simple when you know the problem....
It was Regional Setting setup not right on that machine.
Good programming habit would be a rule: never trust a user setting and convert date types to a right one. It complains on database level, as CAST function was not implemented.
Thanks again for your help,
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