Hi everyone.
I have a problem.
My business class TemplateEdit has a method:
public static void DeleteTemplate(string id)
Factory class has a method:
public void Delete(string id)
using (ConnectionManager<FbConnection> trx = ConnectionManager<FbConnection>.GetManager("DatabaseName")) using (FbCommand cmd = trx.Connection.CreateCommand()) { // do work }
I get error: "There is no active TransactionScope to enlist transactions."
Version of CSLA:
There are no problems with other factory methods withTransactional attribute.
May be the problem in a static method?
Thanks for your help.
Hi Oleg,
Yes, this is a bug in Csla.Server.DataPortal. Good catch.
Added to Bugtracker: http://www.lhotka.net/cslabugs/edit_bug.aspx?id=1033
This code will fix the problem in Csla 4.x:
public DataPortalResult Delete(Type objectType, object criteria, DataPortalContext context) { try { SetContext(context); Authorize(new AuthorizeRequest(objectType, criteria, DataPortalOperations.Delete)); DataPortalResult result; DataPortalMethodInfo method; var factoryInfo = ObjectFactoryAttribute.GetObjectFactoryAttribute(objectType); if (factoryInfo != null) { var factoryType = FactoryDataPortal.FactoryLoader.GetFactoryType(factoryInfo.FactoryTypeName); string methodName = factoryInfo.DeleteMethodName; method = Server.DataPortalMethodCache.GetMethodInfo(factoryType, methodName, criteria); } else { method = DataPortalMethodCache.GetMethodInfo(objectType, "DataPortal_Delete", criteria); } IDataPortalServer portal; switch (method.TransactionalType) { #if !MONO case TransactionalTypes.EnterpriseServices: portal = new ServicedDataPortal(); try { result = portal.Delete(objectType, criteria, context); } finally { ((ServicedDataPortal)portal).Dispose(); } break; #endif case TransactionalTypes.TransactionScope: portal = new TransactionalDataPortal(); result = portal.Delete(objectType, criteria, context); break; default: portal = new DataPortalSelector(); result = portal.Delete(objectType, criteria, context); break; } return result; } catch (Csla.Server.DataPortalException ex) { Exception tmp = ex; throw; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new DataPortalException( "DataPortal.Delete " + Resources.FailedOnServer, new DataPortalExceptionHandler().InspectException(objectType, criteria, "DataPortal.Delete", ex), new DataPortalResult()); } finally { ClearContext(context); } }
Issue is fixed in branches/v4-3-x and trunk.
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