For those that aren't familiar with Visual WebGUI, it's a development environment for web that resembles Windows Forms as much as it can. It kinda reminds GWT (Google Web Toolkit) as one doesn't have to know AJAX exists, neither we need to care about the dread triology javascript/CSS/HTML or browser idiosyncrasies. Just C# (or VB) and forms and controls. As I said before, much like Windows Forms. You get the same programming model and he same controls (some of them are improved), etc.
So how does Csla plays in this environment? If plays well, even better if you port Csla.Windows to Csla.WebGUI.
It's not fully tested. I'm trying to talk JonnyBee into publishing it on CslaContrib. In the mean time, you can grab the attached source and give it a shot.
[EDIT] Attached file with source was deleted. Updated source, library and sample available at You can use NuGet to install the CslaContrib-WebGUI package.
You should build it against Csla 4.3.10 and Visual WebGUI 6.4.0d (two DLL, Gizmox.WebGUI.Common.dll and Gizmox.WebGUI.Forms.dll that aren't included).
Differences to Csla.Windows:
1) BusyAnimation is missing
2) BindingSourceHelper.cs showed a problem in GetChildBindingSources method that forced me to replace
foreach (System.ComponentModel.Component component in container.Components)
foreach (IComponent component in container.Components)
3) all MessageBox.Show have extra parameters for
that are needed in order to get the usual WinForms dialog behaviour (needed on CslaActionExtender)
4) changes to CslaActionExtender as proposed on this forum post .
Forgot to mention:
1) It includes BindingSourceExtensions.cs that is part of CslaContrib.
2) It builds on the Server folder as it's a server technology (just like ASP.NET).
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