Is Re-Use of Silverlight Async objects possible for WebForms?

Is Re-Use of Silverlight Async objects possible for WebForms?

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Savij posted on Tuesday, May 29, 2012


I have created a silverlight application using CSLA 4. I used the pattern of splitting the partial classes between two projects rather than using compiler directives just because of preference. I now have the task of writing a webform front end that does many of the same tasks as the silverlight project. Is it possible to reuse my classes for the web? I only ask because the static factory methods are async and I'm not sure how that will affect the aspx page. I figure I will have to mark the webpage as async, but not sure if it will just work or if anyone has tried this before.

Any thoughts are welcome!



RockfordLhotka replied on Tuesday, May 29, 2012

It is not really practical to use Silverlight-style async methods on a web server, no.

This will change with .NET 4.5 and CSLA 4.5 when the new async/await keywords are available. But with today's event-based callback model it is quite difficult to get ASP.NET to work well with async calls.

Savij replied on Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Thanks Rocky!! Thats what I figured, but wanted to be sure.

Great work as always on CSLA, I love working with it!!!!



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