I don’t know if it’s because CSLA isn’t working as I thought it should, or I'm making a bad assumption, or what, but I have a confusing issue with business rules and affected properties.
Here’s the simple example. I have three properties, A, B, and C. A affects B, and B affects C, meaning, B is in the list of AffectedProperteis for A, and C is in the AffectedProperties list for B. I change A, and now B is required. I change B, and now C is required.
This is what I want…except…when I change A, only B gets affected. C’s rule does NOT fire, and so it looks like C is still in a broken state.
Do I need to set C as an affected property in A? And if this is the case, I have to make sure B is before C in A's AffectedProperties list, correct? This seems like it should be unnecessary, but I can’t figure out what else to do. Any insight is appreciated - TIA
Hi Jason,
Yes, AffectedProperties only works for the "first" level - in order to avoid circular dependencies.
Is this "lookup" rules that updates properties?
So your options is to
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