i have a patient and i have notes as the child object of the patient.
once the patient and the notes load i need to be able to search the notes.
The search works well but after the search when i update the child record it does not get updated.
Any ideas why this is happening?
My code is as follows:
<views:NoteView DataContext ={Bindiing NotesViewModel}"/>
<TextBox Name="txtSearch" Grid.Row="0"/>
<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding Model}" >
<TextBox Text={binding Col"/>
public void Search(object sender, Csla.Xaml.ExecuteEventArgs e)
BeginRefresh(callback => Notes.GetAll(1, e.MethodParameter.ToString(),callback));
Notes.cs (CSLA Model)
public static void GetAll(long patientID, string notes1, EventHandler<DataPortalResult<Notes>> callback)
DataPortal.BeginFetch<Notes>(new Note { PatientID = patientID, Notes1 = notes1 }, callback);
Can somebody help me figure out what is wrong?
I can update my records without a problem when the records are initially loaded but having a problem after the search
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