add an additional EditableChildList property to Project class?

add an additional EditableChildList property to Project class?

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shadyboxmonster posted on Wednesday, September 06, 2006

I'm currently reading and playing with the ProjectTracker projects and have a 'normalize behavior' question.

Suppose an additional use case is added to ProjectTracker stating a ProjectManager adds Materials to a project - same pattern as a Resource, just a different object.

Would the best approach be to add an additional EditableChildList property (ProjectMaterials) to the Project class


would it be better to create a new Project class that looks exactly like the existing Project class and replace ProjectResources with ProjectMaterials?


something else I'm not considering?

ajj3085 replied on Thursday, September 07, 2006

I would think the best approach is the first one you specified.  It depends on the use case though.  You probably will want to edit both resources and materials at the same time and want those changes to all commit at the same time, so I think it makes sense to add materials as a child to project.

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