"Refreshing" a GridView column while Editing a Row

"Refreshing" a GridView column while Editing a Row

Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/1145.aspx

Jav posted on Wednesday, September 06, 2006

In my Winform App, when the user types in the zipcode, I look up the city and state and autofill those fields for her. Most of the work is done in the ZipCode Property Set method where I do the look up and set the address.state and address.city and the change is reflected in the Windows Form textboxes.   I am now trying to do the same with my Web App in a GridView. 

I handle the Zipcode TextChanged event where I find the row being edited to get at the address object.  I then call:
               Csla.Data.DataMapper.SetPropertyValue(ObjAddress, "zipcode", zipcode)

This executes the lookup code and I can see the address.city and address.state values being set correctly.  The problem is that this change is not reflected in the GridView. I have looked and looked, but cannot find an appropriate method to trigger a "refresh" of the textboxes in the GridView's EditTemplate.  I would have thought that a change in the CslaDataSource values would automatically lead to the new values being shown.

I would appreciate if anybody has a suggestion or two.



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