Remote DP error in WinRT

Remote DP error in WinRT

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TSF posted on Thursday, July 05, 2012

I'm trying to run my first test using CSLA 4.5 on Win 8 while following what I typically have done for SL projects.  I have a remote DP running on the local machine (IIS Express), and when I try calling an async factory method on the business object, I get an error that returns the following message:

Object type or assembly could not be loaded (MyProject.MyInfoList, MyProject.WinRt, Version-, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null).

    at Csla.Server.Hosts.Silverlight.SilverlightReqeuestProcessor.Fetch(SilverlightCriteriaRequest request)

Any ideas on where I might look for the problem based on the error message?

For reference, I'm running this in VS2012 Ultimate on Win 8 Release Preview.  I've got my solution structured similar to my SL solutions:

The main thing that I know is different with this vs my SL apps is that I don't have a ServiceReferences.ClientConfig I've included the following code in the OnLaunched method in the App.xaml.cs class:


Csla.DataPortalClient.WcfProxy.DefaultUrl = http://localhost:1234/MyPortal.svc;

TSF replied on Thursday, July 05, 2012

After thinking about it more and looking at the project, I realized my Library.WinRT project did not have the same assembly name as my .NET version (I left the ".WinRT" appended to it).  After removing that, I'm now getting a new error:

"Ambiguous match found"

Stack trace shows something about GetMethodImpl.  I'll have to do some more looking.

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