Now this might be me but the StatusBusy class isn't work like it should be. When testing out the Project Demo from the main window and you are logged out this is the code that runs....
private void OK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){
using (StatusBusy busy = new StatusBusy("Verifying credentials..."))
ProjectTracker.Library.Security.PTPrincipal.Login(this.UsernameTextBox.Text, this.PasswordTextBox.Text);
So here we are running through the code and first thing that is suppose to happen is the status is suppose to get set to "Verifying credentials.....". Hmm this doesn't happen on my box. Actually no matter what the status is set by it never gets set. Now my thoughts are one of two things are happening...
1. This is only happening to me and my computer
2. The message for the refresh isn't happening. Actually, a UI threading, message pump issue is what I am thinking.
Anyways any ideas would be great to hear.
I had the same problem, fixed it with a My.Application.DoEvents.
mMain.pnlStatus.Text = value
My.Application.DoEvents()Copyright (c) Marimer LLC