Hi all
I have three days in looking for a solution for this problem in my development
I develop Silverlight 5 app, I used CSLA 4.3.12
I Got : No Parameterless constructors defined for this object
Jonny has suggest me to add public default constructor in ALL my business object
in this problem i have MenuList : ReadOnlyListBase<MenuList, MenuInfo>
AND I have add :
public MenuList()
in MenuList Class
public MenuInfo()
in MenuInfo
BUT I still got the same error when i display that error.
Could anyone know what is happened here ?
Could you help me to save my days :(
thanks a lot
Are you using a criteria class to fetch the objects? Don't forget the public constructor on the criteria class if that's the case.
Hi skagen.. thanks for your quick response
No I'm not use criteria class, i just use string plain type
But I use my Dal not follow lhotka book use Provider pattern, BUT I use Mef to load my dal implementation
Could you have another suggestions ?
thanks a lot
Wow Incredible
I don't know what wrong is it ?
I have make my ALL BUSINESS OBJECT has public default constructor parameterless
BUT it is still got NO Parameterless Constructors defined in this object ??????
namespace AIS.Lib.Menu
public class MenuList : ReadOnlyListBase<MenuList, MenuInfo>
public MenuList()
public static void GetMenuList(string username,
EventHandler<DataPortalResult<MenuList>> callback)
var criteria = new MenuCriteria(username);
DataPortal.BeginFetch<MenuList>(criteria, callback);
private void DataPortal_Fetch(MenuCriteria criteria)
} // end of class
namespace AIS.Lib.Menu
public class MenuInfo : ReadOnlyBase<MenuInfo>
public MenuInfo()
public static readonly PropertyInfo<int> ClassIdProperty =
RegisterProperty<int>(t => t.ClassId);
public int ClassId
get { return GetProperty(ClassIdProperty); }
private set { LoadProperty(ClassIdProperty, value); }
public static readonly PropertyInfo<string> ClassNameProperty =
RegisterProperty<string>(t => t.ClassName);
public string ClassName
get { return GetProperty(ClassNameProperty); }
private set { LoadProperty(ClassNameProperty, value); }
private void Child_Fetch(System.Data.IDataReader data)
ClassId = data.GetInt32(data.GetOrdinal("ClassId"));
ClassName = data.GetString(data.GetOrdinal("ClassName"));
} // end of class
What do i miss in this code ??
thanks a lot
What we do know is that some object that is being serialized by the data portal does not have a public default constructor.
Clearly we don't know what object is missing that constructor. So a process of elimination is required.
I would recommend building a small test app that avoids using as many of these types of object as possible. Start small, and keep adding more complexity until you discover the type of object you've implemented that is missing a public default constructor.
Another way to help isolate the problem is to use the Clone method on your root object.
The Clone method (on Silverlight) will use the MobileFormatter to serialize and deserialize the object graph. But it won't try to serialize principal, identity, criteria, or context objects. It will only serialize the object graph. That should help limit the scope of the serialization so you can easily find out if the issue is in the business object graph or somewhere else.
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