Hi rocky..
I got a strange problem
i have to different view model
which are one DoSave method work BUT another DoSave not work and it's not display an error, i tried to debug but can't found any error BUT MY Business Object is not SAVED.
I tried to break on DataPortal_Insert , BUT it's never reach ?
Do you have any suggesstion or something I'm missing ?
Thanks a lot
Are you overriding the OnError method in your viewmodel? That is where you'd see the error from the DoSave method.
Hi rocky ,
thanks a lot :)
yes, i forgot to catch the error, NOW the BO can be saved.
But in this case, i have something that i understand,
First, My First Error is : I forgot to mark Serializable on said it PaymentEdit BO, after i mark it it can be saved, i have check it on DB
The second problem arise : it still display an error that said MyDal have to be mark as Serializable too ( I don't know why this happen )
as long as I know Dal is run on server side, not travel from client to server or vice versa, Am I right ?
Am I missing something ? because my another BO is no ask about mark serializable on their DAL ??
thanks a lot
Basically - this means that a DAL object is part of the Object Graph of PaymentEditBO and thus is supposed to be serialized.
If you need this as a property then remember to keep it as a private backing field marked with [NotUndoable] and [NonSerialized] attributes.
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