CSLA.NET 2.0.3 Sorted Binding List TestCSLA.NET 2.0.3 Sorted Binding List Test
Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/1157.aspx
AndrewBurns posted on Thursday, September 07, 2006
In the AscendingSort test on line 34 it is asserting that 56 be at index 2 but this should actualy be index 4 according to the numbers present. Am I missing something?
Also is there a reason that some test classes (i.e. TransactionalRoot) do not use the app config for the DB connection string?
dean replied on Thursday, September 07, 2006
The sortedbindinglist indexof function had a bug which is fixed in v2.1. In earlier version's it returns the unsorted index. I haven't looked at the test you are referring to but that is probably it.
RockfordLhotka replied on Thursday, September 07, 2006
That was because there is a bug in IndexOf() in 2.0.3, and the person writing the test must have assumed IndexOf was working correctly, rather than writing the test to find the bug.
In 2.1 both the IndexOf() bug and the test are fixed.
There are a lot of inconsistencies in the tests, because they were written by no less than 5 people with varying levels of experience in .NET and/or CSLA. I have no doubt that now, after gaining months of experience, the same people would do a different, and probably better, job. But I was happy to have a set of resources at all, because I'd never have had the time to write all the tests that exist and still get the framework and book out in a timely manner.
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