framework adoption trend(s)

framework adoption trend(s)

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tsaltd posted on Thursday, September 07, 2006

I evaluated and recommended the 2.0 framework back in April and gladly invested the time that it took for me to qualify myself to make that recommendation.

The client did adopt CSLA, but went with an offshore team to implement the construction.  Since then I have developed a couple of other C# apps using CSLA for a company that retains me to maintain and develop their CRM and sales management applications, but other than that ... and I have been quite pro-active in pitching CSLA to NY Metro area solution providers and promoting CSLA at the 2 or 3 user groups and professional associatons that I belong to ... I'm disappointed to say that ... there does not seem to be a lot going on.

Has anyone else commented here about the slim pickin's on the job boards ... Dice, Monster, Hot Jobs, Net Temps ... should I be looking somewhere else ??

I guess this is a problem with a development solution that does not have a marketing organization behind it.  Rocky will be speaking at VS Live in New York next week ... maybe that will drum up some excitement, but at this time ... well, I'm just puzzled.



RockfordLhotka replied on Thursday, September 07, 2006

I think this is the nature of framework adoption, and is one reason I've been hesitant to get serious about creating a commercial version of CSLA .NET. There are various commercial frameworks out there, and they seem to do OK, but not great.

It is a rare thing to run into people using these frameworks at actual companies. I don't know that this is a commentary on the frameworks, as much as those companies are risk-averse. If a company builds its own framework (expensive as that is), or avoids using a framework entirely (which imo is more expensive), they avoid tying themselves to a vendor in a very intimate manner.

Frameworks are merged directly into applications such that the result in inseparable. If the framework becomes untenable, so does the app. If the framework vendor disappears, most likely the framework does too...

Sure, you can put the framework code in escrow, and anyone buying a framework would be very foolish not to do this. But can you staff assume ownership of that framework, even given the source code, in the case that the vendor is gone? There's a lot of risk there.

I think there's arguably less risk with a framework like CSLA, where the source code is available without the effort of escrow. And where there's a broader community of people who understand the framework, adapt it to their needs and use it in their projects within the context of an open community forum.

Still, you can't deny that there's an element of risk involved.

Personally I think the benefits outweigh those risks - at least with something like CSLA. The productivity and maintainability benefits alone are tremendous, and the code is open and documented in a publicly available book, which should help offset much of the aforementioned risk.

But then there's the "not built here" technical hurdle too. What I've been talking about thus far is a management concern. But from a technical level, there are a lot of people who simply dislike using or relying on other people's code. That's a hard hurdle to overcome in some cases.

Personally I was in that camp for a period of time early in my career. But on the VAX there were the DECUS tapes, which were full of really cool tools and code and ideas. And on the Amiga there was the Fred Fish collection - same thing. The utility of the contributions available through those channels eventually convinced me that it was worth using code not built here - at least from time to time :)

And then there's the "philosophical disagreement" hurdle. If you believe with all your heart that client/server, n-tier and OO are all dead; replaced by SOA - then CSLA would violate your core beliefs in a way that would be hard to reconcile. Other examples exist as well of course. People fixate on SOA, the DataSet, data transfer objects, workflow - all sorts of technology concepts that they can view as excluding OO, and thus CSLA.

I've discussed this before, and I'm OK with it. People have to pursue their passions. I think there's a place and time for all these technology concepts, and that none of them (including OO) is the right answer for every problem. I just happen to think that OO tends to fit into niches within almost all the other concepts - it is a great way to implement a service, or a workflow task. It is really powerful when used to construct the client app that front-ends a service-oriented system. And anywhere you are applying OO to create business apps, I think you can apply CSLA .NET to make your life easier.

So maybe more marketing would help. But even for-profit companies that have dedicated marketing people have a hard time getting broad usage of their frameworks.

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