Saving invalid objects

Saving invalid objects

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JonnyBergdahl posted on Friday, September 08, 2006

I have the need for saving objects that are in a somewhat "invalid" state, ie some of the validation rules is broken.

The background is simple; I have a web service where other applications initiates the creation of a business object. These applications seldom have all mandatory data available, so a user then loads the object to manually add the missing data. Since the bussiness object is quite complicated I need both the web service and the user application to use the

What would be the best approach to allowing saving of partially invalid objects?


ajj3085 replied on Friday, September 08, 2006

In 2.1 beta, rules have a 'severity.'  You set rules which are warnings; if the warning rules are broken, they will not affect the IsValid state. 

The beta has been very solid thus far, and if you move to it now, you'll be in a better position to upgrade to the RTM 2.1 (you'll also help us test it).


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